Looking back on my education pre-university, I have always enjoyed studying science, even as a female. When I applied to university I had a difficult choice to make. Should I study a science such as […]

Looking back on my education pre-university, I have always enjoyed studying science, even as a female. When I applied to university I had a difficult choice to make. Should I study a science such as […]
Preventing the spread of the Zika virus to the UK, ground-breaking cancer research, or the production of vaccines for deadly diseases; all important work, I’m sure you’ll agree, but have you ever wondered just who […]
Climate change is one of the factors that is shaping this world and can still have many unrealised effects on the planet, resulting in more widespread impact in human lives than originally thought. The effect […]
Have you ever known something without having a clue why? Well, memories, experiences and knowledge that we have never experienced or learnt ourselves can be inherited from our ancestors. This occurs through genetic or ancestral […]
If you’re a fan of the google ecosystem and Android in general then you’ll be well aware of the Nexus line of devices. They are used by Google to deploy the latest technology in terms […]
Massive stars weight loss secret revealed: Astronomers have managed to analyse the light from VY Canis Majoris, one of the largest stars in our galaxy. This star throws off a huge amount of gas in […]
[ht_fancy_title color=”colordefault” title=”‘‘The perfect surgeon must have the heart of a lion and the hands of a lady…’’ – Lord Moynihan of The Royal College of Surgeons, Leeds.”] Quite so. Incidentally, it was reported that […]
Henrietta Lacks is a name you might not recognise, but probably should. Thanks to Lacks’ cells, scientists have developed a polio vaccine, and done research into AIDS, radiation, toxic substances and gene mapping. They were […]
Here is a list that is one of those “you have to laugh or you’ll cry” type of things. A countdown of five ways encouraging (or discouraging as the case may be) women into science. […]
A simple Google search for ‘women and science’ brings up a plethora of web sites aiming to encourage women in the subject. But weirdly, when I see this, I get an uneasy feeling. I am […]
“With age comes wisdom”. The timeless words penned by Oscar Wilde have offered comfort to those afraid of the approaching ailments of old age, the loss of hair, hearing and beauty. However, a recent study […]
Since 2009, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has been developing the credit card sized computers for promoting computer science in schools. These single board computers have been incredibly popular in both schools and in the hands […]