Around 50 Leeds University students were caught up in the terror attacks in Paris on Friday night, during which nearly 130 people were killed and 180 injured. The French students were unable to get back […]

Around 50 Leeds University students were caught up in the terror attacks in Paris on Friday night, during which nearly 130 people were killed and 180 injured. The French students were unable to get back […]
A number of the biggest names in music descended on Leeds on Wednesday night, as the First Direct Arena played host to the 20th Music of Black Origin (MOBO) Awards. The night included performances from […]
It is estimated that around 10,000 protesters took to the streets of London on Wednesday to campaign against the scrapping of maintenance grants, high tuition fees and student debt. Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell addressed the […]
Leeds Student Radio have come under fire after posting a controversial poll on their Twitter account, asking whether girls should dress slutty for Halloween. The topic was being discussed as part of the Saturday Breakfast […]
The union have launched a campaign to raise awareness of the difficulties homeless and low income women face in being able to afford sanitary products. The “Tampons Don’t Grow on Trees” campaign will coincide with […]
The Gryphon speak to Labour MP and Shadow Foreign Secretary Hilary Benn about Jeremy Corbyn, the future of Syria and the government’s new PREVENT laws. Since The Gryphon last spoke to you quite a […]
An intruder broke into the Liberty Building off Moorland Road during the early hours of Tuesday morning, stealing cash and stock from a number of vending machines, as well as two MacBook Pros. He carried […]
A debate on whether the union should support the campaign to stay in the EU took place on Tuesday, with a panel of four students representing various student bodies discussing the issue. Jamie Ali from […]
The Gryphon speaks to Leeds graduate Rosie Collington, founder of Languages for Good, on how language skills can have a big impact on society Could you tell me a bit about Languages for Good and […]
Robin Clapham was attending the Regression Sessions event at Canal Mills when performers on stage spat what he assumes to be paraffin into his eye, forcing him to seek treatment at A&E. Clapham, a fourth […]
Recent statistics obtained by The Gryphon have shown that in the 2014-15 academic year Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) individuals made up 9% of academic staff across the faculties, with ethnic whites making up 71%. […]
The Gryphon chats to Nick Spencer about how junior doctors are under threat from the government, and why we should all be worried Can you tell me a bit more about the issue that […]