Students Debate LUU Stance on EU Referendum

A debate on whether the union should support the campaign to stay in the EU took place on Tuesday, with a panel of four students representing various student bodies discussing the issue.

Jamie Ali from Labour Students and Toke Dahler, Union Affairs officer, argued for the motion, stating that the EU provided innumerable benefits to students wanting to learn, work and travel around the continent.

Alistair Mason from Open Economics and Iain Dalton from the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition argued against the proposal, with Mr Dalton stressing that the EU’s undemocratic structure and forceful implementation of neo-liberal directives ultimately has a negative impact on student lives.

He went on “The EU is turning education in to a market and students in to customers in order to generate profit

“Why does study abroad have to stop if we leave the EU? We should be campaigning for students to be able to study where they want, all over the world, regardless of the EU debate”

Mr Dahler responded “More than half of international students don’t feel welcome in our country, and experience anxiety and mental health problems as a result.

There has been a drop of over 40,000 international students over the past year, as students from outside the EU are not extended the same rights.

If we leave the EU, we will be throwing hundreds of students in the same position”

At the heart of the debate however, was the role of the union in political issues.

Mr Mason argued that the union cannot represent the views of all students by having a partial stance on the subject and “Students are not involved enough in the decision making of the union stance, but will still get that stance thrust upon them.”

Mr Ali countered the point stating “The motion would be a recommendation not a whip. No one will be forced to vote one way or the other.”

The outcome of the motion will be decided at a Better Union forum on Monday at 5.30pm in LUU Room 6.


(Image: Wikipedia)

Jessica Murray

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