During such extraordinary times, it is easy to forget that the problems which were around before the COVID-19 crisis still remain. A huge group of Rohingya refugees are currently stranded at sea having been refused […]

During such extraordinary times, it is easy to forget that the problems which were around before the COVID-19 crisis still remain. A huge group of Rohingya refugees are currently stranded at sea having been refused […]
Covid-19 is wreaking havoc across the globe having infected millions and has directly killed hundreds of thousands with World Health Organisation (W.H.O) stating that the worst is yet to come. The figures reported are fatalities […]
Khara Burch wrote an article on VE Day, musing on why celebrating was morally difficult for her, particularly amidst the global pandemic. As I’m sure you’re aware, today is Victory in Europe Day (VE Day), […]
The shouts to bring back the good ol’ days have become louder and more widespread in recent years. However, the suggestion to reinstate National Service for British youth comes as a surprise. RAND and the […]
The Almeria province in Spain produces around 3.5 million tonnes of fruit and vegetables per year, with over half of this being exported. The region has been branded ‘sea of plastic’ due to the abundance […]
We live in a climate where the media is constantly driving a wedge between young and old, demonising the lazy and wasteful millennials whilst portraying baby boomers as the Brexit-generation, intolerant and angry. The “ok […]
As New Zealanders celebrated the lift of some lockdown restrictions, the world watched in envy. Decreasing from a level four lockdown to level three, schools in the country reopened alongside fast food outlets, and many […]
Over the past few weeks you have, no doubt, seen the various challenges and fundraisers circulating around social media. Run 5, Donate 5, Nominate 5. The 2.6 Challenge. And most importantly, Captain Tom Moore, who […]
The Canadian Government has proposed a bill that would extend the availability of euthanasia to those who are not terminally ill. The bill would allow those with degenerative diseases such as cerebral palsy to undergo […]
A group of journalists recently walked out of a briefing at Downing Street. The gesture was in solidarity for colleagues who were allegedly uninvited and told to leave. While Downing Street denies this, a minister […]
It’s widely accepted that social media can have negative impacts on the mental health of its users, particularly children and teenagers. In a development in tackling this serious issue, the Royal College of Psychiatrists has […]
Over the past few weeks, empty shelves have become an accepted feature of our everyday lives. Toilet roll, flour and pasta have become more valuable than ever before. The chances of securing an online delivery […]