Protests have been sweeping across America in defiance of lockdown restrictions put in place due to the outbreak of COVID-19. They have ranged in size, but in states such as Colorado, thousands of people have […]

Protests have been sweeping across America in defiance of lockdown restrictions put in place due to the outbreak of COVID-19. They have ranged in size, but in states such as Colorado, thousands of people have […]
It’s a Tuesday morning on 23rd July 2019, and Boris Johnson has just won sixty-six per cent of the Conservative Party members’ vote. He is now our new Prime Minister. In a characteristically jovial speech, […]
With lockdown restrictions beginning to lift on the 13th of May, social media was soon rife with images of packed tube stations and trains filled to capacity. Commuters once again began their journeys to work, […]
2020 marks ten years since UN peacekeepers brought cholera to Haiti. The country is still recovering, and yet, the UN refuses to take any legal responsibility or pay any compensation to victims. The spread of […]
The Catholic Church is not known for its simplicity when it comes to matters of judgement and interpretation. That same perplexment is associated with former Pope Benedict XVI’s recent claims against his “opponents” and his […]
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is the procedure or ‘ritual’ which involves the cutting or removal of all or some of the external female genitalia. FGM is practised worldwide, most common in Africa, Asia and the […]
On the 23rd of February, Ahmaud Arbery, 25, was jogging through his neighbourhood, just outside of Brunswick, Georgia, when he was stopped and killed. A video which has since gone viral shows an unarmed Arbery […]
Brexit has dwindled into a very much reduced priority since the arrival of coronavirus. As a granddaughter of Indian immigrants, I have found the events of Brexit slightly more difficult to disregard. When I awoke […]
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed uncomfortable truths. In the wake of this illness, the pre-existing sickness of our society is laid bare – its structural inequality. This crisis must fundamentally change our politics and facilitate […]
Millennials, or generation Y, are those born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s or early 2000s. Typically, these have been good years to be born in Europe, providing millennials with the benefits from […]
An article by Sadiq Kahn was recently published in The Guardian as one of the first discussions on the disproportioned effect Coronavirus is having on the Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community. In his […]
Patients who have recovered from Covid19 are being encouraged to donate plasma from their blood to aid the fight against Coronavirus. This convalescent plasma could help acutely ill patients to combat the virus if their […]