Find out how this film manages to be wholesome yet a fiercely strong piece of cinema.

Find out how this film manages to be wholesome yet a fiercely strong piece of cinema.
Disney has created many live-action remakes over the last few years, some of which earned audience approval, such as Maleficent and Aladdin, and others which did not perform as well, such as Dumbo and Disney’s […]
If you’re in the market for a new way to watch films, maybe use these actor-director duos to guide your watching choices.
Jack Denison reviews ‘News of the World’, a film following the story-telling, heroic , wanderer played by Tom Hanks.
Neive McCarthy reviews Netflix’s latest original film that follows a single deciding night in their relationship.
Alex Howe explains Gina Carano’s recent ‘cancellation’ and firing from the hit Star Wars spin off The Mandalorian.
Emma Rivers reviews ‘Penguin Bloom’ ,a film that authentically and caringly tackles disability in film.
With the biopic film seemingly on the rise, Hannah Spruce unpacks the consequences of making films about real people.
I groaned when I first read the online headline speculating that Harry Potter may be getting a television reboot but was this reaction genuine concern or instant snobbery? The article, was in fact, referring to […]
Need to shake up your watchlist and want to dive into some international (film) waters – Harriet Purbrick has listed some of their favourites.
Millie Craik reviews Disney+’s newest sitcom starring the Marvel Universe’s lovable couple Wanda and Vision.
Maddy Murdoch unpacks what life is like for a COVID Nurse living in isolation in a lighthouse, and what we can learn from isolation.