Éric Zemmour has launched his own presidential campaign for the 2022 French Elections, leading the Reconquête (Reconquest) Party; the polls show that so far, he is in a good position. Dylan Kane examines what this could mean for French politics.

Éric Zemmour has launched his own presidential campaign for the 2022 French Elections, leading the Reconquête (Reconquest) Party; the polls show that so far, he is in a good position. Dylan Kane examines what this could mean for French politics.
Tensions are growing in Catalonia after a court ruled in favour of a family who requested a greater influence of the Spanish language in their child’s school. Dylan Kane reports.
The Gryphon considers whether the burning of the Grenfell Tower effigy is potentially a hate crime. Whilst Thousands of families and friends gathered to enjoy the dazzling fireworks and impressive bonfires last week, a video […]