The Positive Female Influencers you Should be Following

Our Instagram feeds have the power to change and influence our perceptions of not only ourselves, but the world that we live in; a world which is so often filled with internalised misogyny, racism and deception. Now more than ever is the perfect time to celebrate the women who embody the goodness and light in a very much flawed society. Hidden amongst society’s rubble, there lies hope yet for your Instagram feed. Here are a few of my favourite influencers who are worth every minute of your endless social media scrolling….

*Note: When I say influencers, I’ve included everyone from poets to illustrators and authors.

1. Scarlett Curtis
Credit: Instagram

An avid feminist who genuinely promotes nothing but kindness and human decency. Scarlett Curtis, daughter of Richard Curtis, won’t make you feel guilty for lying in bed all day and her page explores everything from her attempt at tap-dancing to her own personal struggle with her mental health.

2. Chimimanda Adichie
Credit: Instagram

Even if you think you haven’t heard of her, you probably have. Adichie is a force to be reckoned with and a voice to be heard. Whilst she is a great author, her influence extends beyond her novel ‘Purple Hibiscus’. Feminism flows through her veins and I can’t help being incredibly in love with everything she does, from newspaper articles to posts on Instagram and her empowering Ted Talks.

3. Gina Martin
Credit: Instagram

Everybody should follow the woman who made up-skirting illegal. If that isn’t enough, then Gina Martin is an advocate for just about everything that’s right in the world: mental health, women’s rights and LGBTQ+ rights. She’s passionate, bold and a genuine inspiration.

4. Coco Bassey
Credit: Instagram

Coco is a dream, but what makes her different from every other beautiful fashion influencer is her passion to succeed. Bassey exhibits this unwavering love for what she does that is admirable to say the least and is a big influence in her field of fashion, not letting anybody or anything stand in her way. She combines beauty and power to create just about one of the most aesthetic feeds on the internet.

5. Kimberly Drew
Credit: Instagram

A compelling influencer who is the perfect amalgamation of art, fashion and justice. Kimberly Drew has an appreciation for everything good and bad in this world that is so diligently and thoughtfully shared on her feed. Her impact on my life never ceases and she is one of my favourite sources of inspiration. 

6. Nikita Gill
Credit: Instagram

Gill’s insightful and honest revelations are so telling of the world we live in. Her posts are relatable, without being cliché and are so incredibly touching. They’re easy to read and she’s a great example of a contemporary poet who writes with such style and sentiment.

7. Nikkie de Jager (Nikkietutorials)
Credit: Instagram

God, she is so gorgeous, her tutorials are insane and she is so loveable. Her honesty and love for others is shared through her glamour and passion for beauty. She recently came out as a transgender woman and has done wonders in promoting self-love and self-worth. Nikkie has collaborated with a number of big brands and is a very powerful woman in the beauty industry.

8. Jameela Jamil
Credit: Instagram

Without a doubt one of my favourite influencers (and actresses). Jamil uses her platform to speak out against a variety of issues concerning women, race, the LBGTQ+ community and diet culture. Her engagement with harrowing and pressing issues should serve as an example to all influencers with a platform.

9. Marcela Sabia
Credit: Instagram

Whilst there is a large community of ‘Instagram Preachers’ (and those that love cancel culture), Sabia offers light-hearted, easy-going and non-abrasive illustrations that might just brighten your day. This Brazilian illustrator is both fun and meaningful.

10. Sarah’s Day
Credit: Instagram

A health and beauty advocate who doesn’t obsess over kale or falsify their reality. Sarah’s mantra ‘Listen to your body’ radiates through her YouTube and Instagram. She’s undeniably loveable and her message of self-love is ever so apparent.  Other than that, she is also an example of a working mother, who is succeeding in everything she does.

These are just 10 of the wonderful women out there and it goes without saying, there are hundreds more inspirational women who deserve to be celebrated. In a time of such uncertainty, the voices of these women might teach us something, might make us feel less alone or just make your day that tiny bit better.