The Ultimate Self-Care Package

The importance of self-care has never been more profound.  It can be so easy to get too wrapped up in the mundanities of everyday life that we often neglect our physical, emotional and mental well-being. It is about time that you put yourself first.

Self-care does not necessarily mean getting a fancy facial or booking an expensive spa retreat, it simply means putting aside some time to focus on you. Here are some simple and easy things that you can do to practice self-care:

1. Run yourself a bubble bath or take a hot shower

One of my favourite ways that I practice self-care on a weekly basis, is to have a hot, steamy bubble bath. Light some candles, put on a calming Spotify playlist or podcast and just relax.

2. Put on a facemask

You can get so many different facemasks nowadays that claim to do all sorts: detoxify, moisturise and even de-stress. Choose one that suits you and let it work its magic!

3. Practice some meditation

By spending even 10 minutes meditating can be a great way to zone out, listen to your body and relax. Focus on your breathing and really get in touch with your own body, allowing all the stress and negative energy to be exhaled.

4. Write a journal entry

Setting aside some time to really reflect can have huge benefits for your mental state and emotional well-being. Writing a list of things you are grateful for or writing down some affirmations can really help you feel more positive and motivated. It does not have to be in a physical journal but physically writing something down on a piece of paper or in a notebook is a great way to actively reflect and boost your self-esteem.

5. Watch your favourite film or read your favourite book

Another great way to self-care is through engrossing yourself in something you love. Whether that be watching a classic film which you have not seen for years or re-reading your favourite novel – you just can’t go wrong.

Whether you partake in #SelfCareSunday or you just set aside a few hours a week, doing these little things can have huge impact on your well-being, so why not give them a try.

Header image credit: Red Magazine