Lockdown 3.0…here we go again!

With the recent announcement of a third lockdown, it can be easy to feel a bit uneasy about the whole situation and trust me, you are not alone. One of the most important things is to not put too much pressure on yourself. I’m sure you’re all tired of hearing this, but we are in unprecedented times and it takes time to adjust. Your physical and mental health are so important during this time, so here’s some top tips on how to keep your chin up.

  • Focus on self-care.

Really take this time to focus on you and your well-being. Get yourself into a good routine and give your days some structure. If you’re working remotely from home, it can be increasingly difficult to separate work from home life but taking that time every day to just relax in the evenings and zone-out can be really beneficial. Take social media breaks, refrain yourself from watching too much news and most importantly, breathe!

  • Stay connected

Keep in touch with your friends and family during this time, whether that is a weekly videocall or the revival of the family zoom quiz, maintaining those relationships will really help you get through this difficult time. You need people around you more than ever at the moment and even sending that quick message to a friend can make all the difference.

  • Plan things to look forward to.

Being stuck inside for long periods can seem dull and mundane but it doesn’t have to be! Planning things to look forward to every week can really lift spirits and give the week some structure. Whether it be movie marathons, baking competitions, cocktail making nights – whatever you fancy, the list is endless!   

  • Learn something new.

Take the time to learn something new or revisit something you once loved doing. Why not use this time to educate yourself in something you’ve never had time to do; learn a language, start a podcast, dust off the old paint brush and get painting! And yes, there is more to learn than baking banana bread!

  • Keep active.

As I mentioned, your physical and mental health are so important during this time. This doesn’t necessarily have to mean getting up and going for a run, although this could be a good way to get out the house. Try a bit of yoga, go for a walk, do some stretching. I’ve even heard that Joe Wicks is back with his ‘Wake Up with Joe’ workouts! 

Lastly, don’t forget, this won’t last for ever. We got through the last one and we can do it again!

Some useful resources for mental-wellbeing:

Header image credit: scanprobe.com