The Reverse Advent Calendar: give a helping hand this Christmas

For many of us, Christmas is a time of great joy and happiness where we can all get together with our friends and family. We often indulge in way too much food and enjoy giving and receiving lots of lovely presents, but not everyone is so lucky. Christmas can be an increasingly difficult time for many families in particular, with many struggling to afford even the absolute basics.

This year, more than ever, people need our support. With many job losses and the economic uncertainty, families are relying on food banks and charities to get them through the Christmas period. Figures from the leading foodbank provider, the Trussell Trust, suggest that there has been a 61% increase in food parcels needed in the UK between October and December. As we can see, there is unprecedented demand for these services at the moment and unfortunately there is simply not enough to go around. We need your help!

What is the reverse advent calendar? 

One great way to give back this Christmas is through a reverse advent calendar. It is a play on your classic advent calendar but instead of receiving something every day of advent, you are giving back. The reverse advent calendar is fairly straight-forward and so easy to get involved with. You simply collect an item every day of advent and then at the end, you drop of your donations to a local food bank, homeless shelter or charity who will be endlessly grateful.

What items should you donate?

The collection may be going to a foodbank, but this does not mean that all the items need to be food based. Charities are calling for all sorts, including toiletries and even children’s toys – often things that we all take for granted. It may be a good idea to check in with your Charity that you are donating to before you begin, so you know what they are running low on. They are often low on dietary specifics such as gluten-free or dairy-free items, so it may be a good idea to incorporate something specific so that no one misses out.

So, why take part?

This simple act of kindness can go such a long way. It can be a great way to give back and spread some Christmas joy. Getting your children involved can also be a great way to introduce them to social issues such as poverty and homelessness and the joys of giving back, especially during the festive season.

No one should miss out, especially at Christmas time, so why not make someone’s Christmas that little bit better this year!

I will most certainly be taking part in #FoodBankAdvent, will you?

Header image credit: Daily Mirror