Mumtaz Leeds pledges to feed children in need during half term break

On Friday, local Kashmiri restaurant Mumtaz Leeds announced that they would be providing hot meals for children in the city.

A screenshot from Mumtaz Leeds’ Instagram

The statement was prompted by the Conservative party’s refusal to support Marcus Rashford’s latest campaign for free school meals.

Whilst the Tories succumbed to Rashford’s initial call for the provision of free school meals over the summer, 322 MPs voted against extending this to the half term break.

In order to bridge this gap, the family-run restaurant is offering biryani to children between the ages of 4 and 16 years until 1st November.

Mumtaz Leeds told the Gryphon that “we’re sick of people bickering about what political party is right or wrong, we just need people to help in any way they can”. “Knock on a neighbour’s door, call up a relative and see how they are, give someone some food, or raise some money for charity. Just do something”.

Featured image via Deliveroo.