Why I Deleted Snapchat and Why You Should Too.

Okay, so this is a slight clickbait, I did redownload Snapchat. However, after a solid 2-week detox from the app, I could not recommend it more.

I think we can all admit that we are addicted to our phones, and for me Snapchat was the main culprit. I checked my iPhone screen-time report and discovered that Snapchat was my most used app and that I was constantly picking up my phone to open it up. It got so bad to the point that I would be mindlessly on my phone opening and closing the app even when I had no messages, just scrolling through stories and endlessly checking in on Snapmaps. 

On top of having a tough personal time and reaching those levels of obsession, I took the plunge and fully removed the app from my phone, so I had absolutely no temptation. It was so peaceful. Sure, I did not completely stop using my phone, I found a new discovery for Instagram stories, but this detox helped make me realise that I do not need to unnecessarily post everything on my Snapchat story, which is something I was definitely guilty of. I realised that honestly no one really cares. 

I found myself enjoying my days, spending less time on my phone altogether and breaking a habit of a lifetime of checking Snapchat first thing in the morning. Snapmaps in particular used to give me the biggest FOMO, the more I think about the feature the more I dislike it. I think Snapchat should have a way of turning it off entirely, not just onto ghost mode, so I am not tempted to look on maps and end up working myself up about where people are. I have now been trying to open the map much less.

I was fortunate enough to have some close friends keep in touch instead on iMessage, or WhatsApp and they respected the fact that I had deleted the app. By deleting Snapchat, I found that it is a good way to realise who actually wants to talk and make the effort and who doesn’t. In addition, these friends would message me plans that had been made on Snapchat group chats that I was unaware of, which I am thankful for. Deleting Snapchat doesn’t mean the end of your social life!

Image Credit: Spyzie

I suppose that the group chats were the reason I did want to redownload it though. Whilst I am trying my hardest not to use the app as much, I do appreciate it for the ease of keeping in touch with friends, especially when I’m at university and not seeing people who live far away. A tip I am following right now is to have my Snapchat notifications off, so I am not tempted to be constantly checking it, and I only use the app when I want too. 

I remember finding it hard to actually redownload the app after spending so much time away from it. I was tempted to live a Snapchat free life, but I believe my new strategies will help me manage the app better, and I now know that I have the mental strength to make the decision to detox again, if I ever feel I need too.

Social media can be very detrimental but if you recognise your behaviors and attitudes when they become unhealthy and give yourself a little detox, then I would highly recommend removing the app for a little while and connecting once again with real life and with yourself. 

Header Image Credit: TeenVouge