Covid-19: Household mixing banned in Leeds

New restrictions will be enforced at midnight tonight, impacting 780,000 people in the Leeds area.

Those living in Leeds are not to meet people you do not live with, inside a private home or garden – except for those in a support bubble.

Additionally, the statement from Health Secretary Matt Hancock generally advises against socialising with people you do not live with in any public venue in Leeds or elsewhere. This includes: cafes, pubs, restaurants, parks, community centres, places of worship, shops, leisure or entertainment venues and visitor attractions.

BBC figures suggest the average number of coronavirus cases per 100,000 in the UK stands at 21, the city of Leeds has now significantly surpassed this value with an estimated 105 people per 100,000 testing positive for the virus.

Meeting friends outdoors from outside of your household will now need to be done with stricter social distancing measures in place. This is to help limit the spread of the virus.

What can you be doing to help limit the spread of the virus?

  • Follow the government guidelines.
  • Remember to always wash your hands or sanitise after touching shared surfaces.
  • Wear a face mask in places which require one
  • Adhere to social distancing regulations.
  • Download the NHS Covid-19 test and trace app and check-in wherever possible.
  • Self-isolate and apply for a Covid-19 test if you have symptoms such as a high temperature, continuous cough and a loss of smell and taste.

Before tonight, English laws have previously allowed people from six different households to meet in each other’s homes and gardens to socialise whilst socially distant.

Photo: Dan Burton