Leeds University Textiles Class of 2020

In March, Leeds textiles students travelled from their studios to their homes following the closure of University and the UK lockdown due to Covid-19. Moving from the School of Design to their bedrooms, they had to adapt and change their design processes to produce final collections with fewer resources and less space. Here are some of the amazing pieces produced during this time. 

Roberta Morrow

credit: Roberta Morrow

Roberta specialises in structured Textiles and has spent her final year at the University of Leeds exploring bio materials; “My work looks at bio materials such as bacterial cellulose and biopolymers for applied textile design. I’m hoping to carry my research further and create a sustainable yarn for mass textile consumption.” See @tamorrowdesign for more of her work.

credit: Roberta Morrow
credit: Roberta Morrow

Amy Cross

credit: Amy Cross

Amy specialises in structured Textiles, her work focuses on bold, bright knits. “My inspiration was the building windows formation and the ratio of dense solid colour to distorted broken colour. I used a pastel colour scheme with contrasting bright tones. The collection is designed for a spring summer knitwear collection focusing on layering of knitwear and co-ords.” See @amycross_textiles for more of her bright and bold knitted pieces. 

credit: Amy Cross
credit: Amy Cross

Izzy Rackham 

Izzy specialises in digital print and designs her prints for fashion. “Inspired by Japanese manga, this design collection illustrates the coronavirus pandemic. Through a manga comic book, the collection depicts some of the good and bad events over the last four months. Working with a complex subject matter, such as manga, has enabled me to develop new Photoshop skills during lockdown which I otherwise wouldn’t have had time to do at Uni! Looking to the future, as there seems to be limited job opportunities for design graduates, I am currently trying to make money through reworking clothes and selling these online! After this madness has settled I am hoping to embark on a career in sustainable fashion”. See @izzyr.designs for more amazing prints. She is also selling hair scrunchies using her own printed fabric depop.com/scrunchiesbyizz

credit: Izzy Rackham 
credit: Izzy Rackham