What To Do With Your Mother This Mother’s Day

Appreciating your mum and everything she does for you might slack a little when you are at university. If those weekly phone calls home aren’t making the cut for best child of the year, here are some ideas on how to make your mum feel appreciated this Mother’s day. 

On the day

Unfortunately, Mother’s day happens during term time, but this shouldn’t stop you from sending her some love. Whether this is by sending a bunch of flowers (flowers from Moonpig start at £18) or simply a card, it is the thought on the day that counts.


If you happen to be with your mum on the 22nd March, here are a few options on what to do.

Afternoon Tea

A perfect option for a mum who loves scones, cream and cake! An afternoon tea offers a slice of luxury to spoil her AND yourself. 


Two in one! This isn’t just pop to town kind of shopping, this is going to the biggest and best shopping centre (in travelling distance) and treating her to something of her choice. A great chance to spend some quality time together!

Meal out

Think about your mum’s favourite type of food or restaurant and book it up quickly! A meal out is even better when you club together with siblings so you can treat your mum to an extra special meal.

Cocktails / Cocktails at home

My personal favourite, find a cocktail bar near you – even better if they have a happy hour – and have a catch up and gossip! To save money why not try cocktails at home, get a selection of fruit juices, some spirits and a cocktail shaker and you are ready to go!

Breakfast in bed

To start Mother’s day right, treat your mum to breakfast in bed. From a full English to pancakes to a humble slice of toast and jam– it will be appreciated regardless of your cooking skills.


Get out of the house and into fresh air! Not only is this a great form of exercise, it gives you and your mum a chance to catch up and spend some quality time together!

In reality, your mum will appreciate any gift – no matter how big or small. Despite it sounding soppy, you should try to show your love and appreciation for your mum every day, not just for Mother’s day.

Lucy Abbott