Leeds RAG Fashion Show Breaks Fundraising Record

Elysian, the LRFS 2020 show, was a night to remember for more than just the extravagant creativity and amazing fashion on display.

Split into five parts based on the five elements, water, fire, air, void and earth, the Rag Fashion show celebrated mother nature whilst at the same time raising money to protect and preserve our precious environment.

This year, all expectations were surpassed. Not only was the performance two nights long for the first time ever, it also made a record-breaking £27,600 for it’s two chosen charities: Plastic Oceans UK and Hubbub.

Speaking to The Gryphon, show runners Michele Fawwaz and Mollie Ford told us:

“Directing this fashion show has single handedly been the most incredible experience of our lives. Not only did we raise a record breaking £27,600 for our chosen charities,Plastic Oceans UK and Hubbub but we also introduced a brand new sustainability team, and a second show night for the first time in LRFS history.

Never would we have dreamed of the successes we’ve had and it’s all down to our lovely committee, models, designers, sponsors and everyone in between. Thank you so much to everyone who supported LRFS this year, your support means the world and the money fundraised will go a long way in making a difference!

As the name suggests, Plastic Oceans UK aims to stop plastic reaching the ocean within a generation by educating businesses and customers in order to support them in reducing their plastic footprint.

Hubbub, likewise, is a charity that seeks to educate and inspire people to make greener choices. Through the use of informative, accessible campaigns, Hubbub has been able to reach over 3.7 billion people, inspiring individuals to believe that their own personal action can bring about change.

LRFS 2020 committee did not stop only at raising money towards the preservation of our environment – they also showed true integrity by managing their show in the most sustainable way possible, and calculating their own carbon footprint which they were then able to offset.

Hopefully, this example of celebrating fashion in a sustainable way is something that could go on to influence London Fashion Week brands – many of them definitely have a lot to learn from the LRFS team 2020!