Safi Bugel: Why I Should Be Gryphon Editor

I want to be Editor-in-Chief of the Gryphon because I believe in the importance of print and student journalism. However, I also think there are big structural issues within the paper that need to be addressed.

As an LGBTQ+ woman of colour who is part of the University’s Plus Programme, I think I can spearhead a movement towards dismantling the current hegemony. In turn, I believe I can help to create an engaging and exciting student newspaper that represents us all. I have three main goals for the Gryphon.

My first is to make the paper more diverse, in its content and, crucially, in its team of writers. Our paper as it stands is unrepresentative of BAME, LGBTQ+ and working-class voices and their issues. In the current political climate, I think it’s crucial to ensure that these voices heard.

As a BAME woman, I believe I can do this in an organic way, through collaboration with societies, workshops, panel discussions throughout the whole year, and not just for specific issues. I also want to implement more outreach to international and post-graduate students so they can have their voices heard.

I also want to make the Gryphon more in touch with students and the community in Leeds. By reaching out to groups and organisations in the area, and responding to local news, I will ensure that the Gryphon’s coverage is relevant to our city. Also, I want to explore issues like student housing, the University’s response to mental health and strike action.

Finally, I want to ensure that contributing to the Gryphon is a worthwhile experience for students. I will aim to do this by offering training, workshops, alumni talks and feedback via open office hours. This way, students will be able to sharpen their skills, whether that’s to prepare for a career in journalism or simply to improve their writing, design or marketing skills.

People should vote for me as the Gryphon editor as I am truly committed to the ideas I have proposed on my manifesto. Over the last three years, I have consistently written about and reached out to groups that are marginalised in the media, as well as chairing a panel discussion on gender in the media last semester.

Alongside my studies and my work for the Gryphon, I have been a BAME student mentor and co-founded Pink Matters- a largely popular online forum for women and non-binary people to discuss issues and seek advice. At the Gryphon, I have also encouraged a focus on Leeds, by exploring its creative scene as well as changes within the University itself.

Throughout my time at university, I’ve built up experience in different styles of journalism, from print and online writing to radio. I also think it is important to note that I will be the first non-white Editor-in-Chief at The Gryphon for seven years.

A link to Safi’s Facebook page can be found here.
