Jess McCarrick: Why I Should Be Gryphon Editor

I’m running for Gryphon Editor for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, my background is in design, I currently study fashion marketing and so have developed a good sense of effective presentation. Layout and editing are therefore key skills that I feel will help elevate the paper visually if elected. I understand the importance of a range in media that can change the impact of the paper to make it as effective and enjoyable as possible.

One of the key aspects of my campaign is increase the range of media forms presented in the paper, whether this be photography, illustration or artwork. Furthermore, I feel strongly invested in creating a traditional media source that can represent students effectively, we are a major voice to be heard and other outlets do not focus on our views or interests. I want to be editor to ensure an effective portrayal of the complete student voice, that isn’t determined by whether you are a member of the Gryphon society or if you write for the paper itself. 

I hope to implement a new a point in the paper that allow for an easy feedback route for all readers, the student body can comment on sections in the paper, suggest feedback or even contribute to the next issue. The paper will be more representative of all student views and be more of a conversation starter than it already is, it will not alienate people who do not write personally.

This will be a tear-away section, that can be filled in and returned to the office for implementation. Further content will also be added to make the paper more fun and interactive. This will be in the form of a double spread page containing a range of games like crosswords, agony aunts and quizzes, encouraging the more casual student to pick up a copy and have fun with the paper.

In order to accommodate these new content changes, a role will be introduced of ‘interactive co-ordinator’, this being a position that will handle the bi-weekly content features and integration of student feedback. This is the perfect role for a student who is very social and enjoys interaction with the student body.

Another important thing I intend to implement is more thorough connections with local businesses. This will be done through advertisements and exposure, opening opportunities interviews, internships or work experience across a range of industries.

The paper will become a more widely known publication that expands beyond the university, ensuring the voice of the student is heard across the city. Alongside this the Gryphon will offer more support and exposure to students who have their own businesses or entrepreneurial ventures that they wish to share. There will be a community feel to the paper as it expands to cover a more diverse range of student news.

I want the Gryphon to be a more social place, where the student body can network and produce content together, so it is as effective as possible. Bigger projects and stories that can be worked on and covered by a range of people from a range of backgrounds. It will be a place to come together and collaborate; creation is just around the corner. 

People should vote for me if they want to see a reflection of themselves in the paper. Not everyone is a writer, but because they have something to say. A vote for me will ensure more pathways to contribute to the paper that match your skill set or support you on your future ventures.

A vote for me is a vote for more opportunities within the city, tangible support for the future journalists, editors, photographers, illustrators and content creators. The paper is only expanding, and I feel I can take it in a direction that benefits the student body, allows it to gain credibility and utilises the platform it currently has in order for a positive change. A vote for me, is a vote in your interest.  

Facebook Page – Say YES to JESS for Gryphon Editor 
