University Confessions on a Downwards Spiral

The Best University Confession Page?

It is the reason you still have Facebook, it is the ultimate form of procrastination; LeedsFess has become a staple of the Leeds university life. 

Since university confession pages took off, LeedsFess has gained itself a reputation for scandalous stories and anonymous declarations of love. Students enjoy nothing more than gossip. Viral Leedsfess’ have become notorious talking points – from the failed romance of poo boy and poo girl, to discovering what people in Eddy B really think about you. On a positive note, Leedsfess has become a space people feel comfortable expressing their mental health worries and to anonymously reach out for advice. 

Lately, however, there are fears that LeedsFess is losing its power. Since last year’s appeal for new admin, the once celebrated confessions page seems to have lost its flare. Extensive hours are left between posts, and there are complaints that the quality of submissions actually being posted has declined. Are the students of Leeds losing interest?  

The quick expansion to Memerva and Leed-ons was controversial and it seems the admins may have taken on too much too fast. Being one of the mythical LeedsFess admins was once something to brag about in a club, now the same individuals may encounter angry followers questioning why their last five submissions were not posted.  

Despite the controversy, LeedsFess is never going to die out. Although the ‘religious organisation’ has arguably already achieved its peak, it continues to remain influential. We may not be as obsessed with the page as last year, but this will not stop us tagging our friends in any post with their generic initials or writing a strongly worded response to a contentious tier ranking. Even if my last ten, top quality submissions were (unjustly) rejected, LeedsFess will no doubt remain iconic. Maybe checking the page weekly, rather than routinely daily, will not be a bad thing. 

Leah Dunderdale-Smith

Image credit: Leedsfess Facebook page