A Single Person’s Survival Guide To Valentine’s Day

It’s the 14th January. You’re home alone Netflixing and chilling by yourself like you’ve done for a while. No partner in sight- only a box of Dominoes to keep you going whilst you get through this movie. It’s a Romcom but more comedy than it is romantic. Life is good. You’re single but it’s not the end of the world. You’re using this time to reconnect with yourself and enjoy your own company. 

14th February.

You’re home alone Netflixing and chilling. By Yourself.

Like you’ve always done. But today it does not feel right to do so.

No partner in sight, instead only a box of tissues to get you through as you bemoan your single status and think ‘Why me?’. The movie is a romcom except that today it is more romantic than it is comic. The characters in the movie have more going on in their love life than you do. You’re single and it is the end of the world. You’re using this time to think of how you should’ve just taken up that guys offer on Tinder. At least you would have had a ‘date’ for Valentine’s day. No time to reconnect with yourself today, you must connect with someone by all means necessary.  


How not to survive Valentine’s Day as a Single.

Better still, why survive it? Why not enjoy it. Why not smile as you walk down the aisle of overpriced chocolates and roses that will be on offer come the morning? Because let’s face it, even if you want to run away from Valentine’s day, the reminders are there, everywhere you turn. Valentine’s day won’t go away, just because you’re single, so you don’t need to be the archetypal bitter singleton that the world may want you to be.

So, the question is: How do you survive Valentine’s day as a single person?

You rewrite the script.

It’s the 14th February. Valentine’s Day. You’re single. Very single. But that’s fine.

Nothing was going to dramatically change overnight between the 13th and today and that’s ok. You’re home alone, Netflixing and chilling. No partner in sight, instead only a box of Dominoes to keep you going whilst you get through this movie. No rom-com movie either, as you decide to settle on a comedy instead. Life is good. You’re single, but it’s not the end of the world. You’re using this time to reconnect with yourself and enjoy your own company. Because whether you are single, or in a relationship, it’s important to love who you see in the mirror. You’re not surviving Valentine’s Day, you’re living through it, just like you would any other day.

Opeyemi Adeyemo