Shake Those Second Semester Blues – Join A Society!

Society Editors Tilly Judges and Jess Farmer discuss how to make the most of second semester, why to join a society and which societies to try.

The thought of joining a new society may have been a daunting and worrying prospect as you got used to a new city, new friends or moving back to Leeds after a long summer away. 

A popular misconception is that now the academic year is underway, societies aren’t open to new members. This couldn’t be more untrue, as many societies have various refresher and Give-It-A-Go events to attract new members at the start of the new term.

First semester can be incredibly busy, especially finding your feet as a first year, and a lot of socialising at university can revolve around alcohol and clubbing. Societies allow you the opportunity to meet people in a sober environment and friends who share similar interests to you. You can combine friendships and fun nights out through socials and events.

After first semester, you may feel like the time to make new friends has ended. Feeling like this is normal, as university can be isolating. Societies can be a great way to combat this, through joining a society you can meet new groups of people who you know you will have things in common with. This can take some of the pressure off making friends and organising to meet people, as socials and events will be organised by a society’s committee. 

Making friends isn’t limited to fresher’s week, your first semester or even your first year at university. Most societies are open all year round to new members but the start of a new term can be a less intimidating time to join as there’ll be other new members looking to meet people.

Societies are not only a great place to meet new people and have fun, they can help you develop various skills you can use outside university. If you’re in second year looking for a placement or you’re thinking about skills for your CV after graduation, then joining a society is a great idea. Societies are a great place to make new friends and relax after lectures, but they can also help you to think about future careers or skills that you might want to develop further.

Joining a society  is a great way help you to understand what genuinely interests you outside of the lecture theatre. There are a wide range of societies at the university that can help you to develop skills for future work or pleasure, giving you opportunities that you may not have access to otherwise.

It can be intimidating joining a society in second semester as people may already know each other. However, society committees are always looking to expand their memberships and are grateful for your interest in their society. 

Societies are always welcoming and happy to get to know new people with new ideas. 

If you’re still feeling nervous about joining, take a friend with you or look the society up on the LUU website and Facebook. 

You can always send societies any questions you have via email or Facebook messenger or join their Facebook group to keep updated on the society and its events.

Hopefully this article will have convinced you to take the plunge and join a society this semester. It is never too late to make new friends and develop new skills. Joining a society is a way to do this that won’t be available to you after university. Make the most of your time at university and join one of the over 350 societies available to you. 

Head to to explore the wide range of societies available if your interested in sports, media or volunteering there’s something for you.

Quidditch Society

University is the time to do something that you’ve never done before and may never do again. 

If you’re looking for a sport that will shake away those winter cobwebs The Leeds Griffins Quidditch team is the society to join. 

If you’re a Harry Potter fanatic or just like trying new things, join one of the oldest Quidditch teams in the country by heading to Woodhouse Moor on Saturday 1st February at 1pm

Leeds Uni Boob Team

If the new year has inspired you to give back, attend the Leeds Uni Boob Team Give-It-A-Go. They represent charity CoppaFeel! UK on campus and aim to help early detection of breast cancer. 

Join this society to help encourage, educate and empower students to check for signs and act on  symptoms. 

Attend their Give-It-A-Go on Monday 3rd February at 5:30pm in Business School Maurice Keyworth SR (1.03) to learn all  about the society and their impact on campus.

Performing Arts Society

Performing Arts society are proud to be the only non-auditioning, all-inclusive performance society that work towards an annual showcase. 

They are interested in dancing, singing and acting but more importantly doing these in a casual and fun environment.

Head to their Give-It-A-Go in Michael Sadler LG.10 at 8pm Tuesday 4th February to see that they’re all about, all abilities and experience are welcome!

The Gryphon Society Section

If you enjoy reading The Gryphon every fortnight, why not join the team and write for us? We are always looking for new writers and fresh ideas. If you’re interested in politics, fashion, sport or music and want to write about it then this is the society for you.

You don’t need any writing experience and there’s no pressure to write every week if you’re busy with university or have had a heavy weekend. Make friends whilst you improve your writing and learning about university life. Head to for more information on different sections and their meeting schedule!