New Year’s Fashion Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions don’t need to just be about making positive changes and boosting your productivity. As you find dissertations, deadlines and even graduation slowly creeping in, it’s important to have a little fun with your goals where possible. This is why we asked you what your fashion resolutions were for 2020. Who says New Year’s resolutions only involve going to the gym?

“I’m trying to be more thoughtful with my purchases so instead of buying things just because or in two colours because I like it I’m taking more time to choose and being stricter with myself!” – Lucy, 38, Blogger

“Keep adding in more colour and recycling. Try to repair my clothes were possible and recycle them when they can’t be.” – Victoria, 21, Blogger

“I want to figure out my style! Try to break away from band t-shirts (only occasionally!) and learn how to express myself.” – Lewis, 22, History Student

“I’d like to learn how to dress a little more feminine for special events. I just find my jogger bottoms too comfortable though!” – Beth, 20, English Student

“I want to stop wearing trainers everywhere I go. Also probably invest more in depop but try to reduce how much I buy anyway!” – Jessica, 24, Media Student

“I want to be more eco-friendly in my approach to fashion this year, I already donate/eBay my old clothes but I want to avoid fast fashion and buy less clothes or at least buy more clothes more sensibly in 2020.” – Meghan, 26, Blogger

“To only buy second hand or from local, sustainable brands. To only buy what I need, and to not over-consume.” – Abby Ann, 30, Blogger

“I want to learn how to walk in heels no matter the height! I also want to make more of an effort everyday when I get ready and learn to love what’s in my wardrobe!” – Ellie, 24, Journalism Student

“I really want to reduce my clothes consumption! The industry is so bad for the environment so I want to try to be as sustainable as possible.” – Shelby, 24, English Student

“I really just want to learn how to tie a tie properly. I’m likely gonna need to wear suits when I graduate so it would be nice not to have to use a clip-on for interviews!” – Sam, 23, Law Student

image credit: The Mirror Online