Razorlight Get Romantic at O2 Academy, 01/12/19

Razorlight headed to the O2 Academy on December 1st and brought with them the gentle warmth of their indie-pop set that filled the air with nostalgia. A band that rose to fame during the mid-2000s still showing their diverse pull as the audience was made up of all ages, with music as easy listening as them this was no surprise. 

Johnny Borrell – the frontman – has a voice that fills the room, echoing more fiercely than the recorded tracks kin to that of a true stand-alone belter. Almost acapella at times throughout the evening, it was a welcomed by the crowd eagerly, in some ways being truer to the band’s sound; accompanying the lyrics so perfectly. 

An endless swaying from the crowd, everyone moving in unison from song to song; invested in the show, it felt romantic and intimate even within the relatively large venue.

The production was lacking anything special, but the band on stage made up for that entirely, four guys and their instruments rocking out to soft tunes, clearly loving being there. Razorlight would not benefit from big stage props or endless crowd interaction, that’s not their style, so this absence did not take away from the show.

The room glowed with the final song ‘America’ that brought the house down and the whole gig to a close. An array of people popped up on shoulders to sing and film along with the band. The ultimate closing song that reminds people of youth and potentially back to a time where music was simpler and more positive; escapism at its finest.

All photos by Jessica McCarrick.