JAWS Dazzle Crowd at Wardrobe, 29/11/19

Following on from their release of album, The Ceiling, in April and again, leaving their home-turf of Birmingham to commence on yet another tour, JAWS arrived in Leeds last Saturday to dazzle crowds (quite literally) like never before. 

Before the sold-out show had even introduced their headliners, Wardrobe was packed with fans both clearly in anticipation of the show and the magical vibes from support act Ivory Wave, who undoubtedly warmed everyone (including the venue) right up.

Bringing their own lighting arrangements to accompany their hazy, dream-like indie tunes such as top tracks ‘Stay In’, ‘Driving at Night’, and brand-new release ‘Anyway, Now’s Not the Time’, strobes of soft, almost ethereal light shone over audiences as they sang along; with the heavier tracks being accompanied by harsh strobe lighting that as previously stated, completely dazzled fans.

Alongside the lightshow already on offer, the Wardrobe that many Leeds gig-goers would be used to had been completely transformed into one of the best indie performances to grace the venue. As well as bringing audiences what they always wish they could have from a headliner, JAWS provided a hefty tracklist of 10+ songs (I’ll be honest, I lost count) all performed perfectly, accompanied by a visual show that literally left myself (and I’m sure many of the other fans) overwhelmed just by how surreal the entire show was.

I can say with ease that if the boys keep up all the hard work they’ve been putting into the production of their music, the unreal aesthetics of their live shows and interaction with their fans, then JAWS could easily crown themselves as one of the best indie bands of the decade.

All photos by Kelsey Raynor.