ELYSIAN: LRFS2020 Launch Theme

ELYSIAN ≋ (adjective) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.

On Tuesday, the LRFS theme was finally announced with an enchanting promo video to endorse it. With this year’s focus on sustainability, the video captures some of the show’s models embracing each other in the surroundings of mother nature.

The show promises to “celebrate our beautiful Earth, focusing on its power, nature and generosity . Using Fashion as a tool, we begin a journey of empowerment and enlightenment and believe in the change that is to come.”

Showcasing a teaser selection of the show’s diverse model line-up, the video captures the beauty and sanctity of all humans as part of nature. With the show fundraising for two environmental charities, the video perfectly epitomises the need to fundraise for the likes of Hubbub and Plastic Oceans UK, who do such vital work to support the future of our people and planet.

The show will donate all profits to Hubbub; who campaign to inspire sustainable changes in people’s everyday lives, and Plastic Oceans UK; who work to reduce the levels of plastic reaching oceans.

Elysian will be held on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th February, 19:30-23:00, at the Refectory. A limited number of presale tickets are still available, and standard tickets can be purchased at – https://fixr.co/event/858911339?fbclid=IwAR16K3u73KDVVt_3NQqLI0n4dMZihAQqic5zYl1ijQOdvJlVegn1FbJzb4s (hurry, these sell out fast every year.)
