LRFS x Belgrave Launch Party

Leeds Rag Fashion Show officially launched in style on Tuesday, when the committee overtook Belgrave for a night of music, dance and fun(draising). With a relaxed atmosphere and a diverse line-up featuring some of Leeds’ favourites, the RAG Fashion committee sure know how to throw a good party. 

Being the super keen editors that we are, we arrived almost ridiculously early, just in time to see the final members to the RAG committee pull up and observe the other over enthusiastic guests who had likewise forgotten that it’s stylish to be at least an hour late. There was one great benefit of our untimely entrance however – the chance to scope out the venue before it became so crowded. It didn’t take us long to realise what a catch The Belgrave was for the opening party; in fact, we were instantly impressed with the retro yet stylish décor, the cosy leather sofas which made mingling with models oh-so-easy, the neon lights which somehow remained completely classy. What a brilliant choice of location; stylish, sophisticated and a little bit unusual – plus, geographically, we were only one bus away from Hyde Park (total win).  With so many societies hosting a Revs Christmas Party, this was a totally fresh and welcome break.

credit: Leeds RAG

There was more to it than just an edgy venue however; the RAGs team had gone all out with extras and activities. The green flower wall for photos was a great addition and will ensure that the party keeps going on people’s Instagram’s well after the event. The guests, a few more glasses of wine down, seemed perfectly at home posing for their pictures, despite the flash notifying the entire room about their latest insta pic.

There were clever extra money makers from the RAGs team – a glitter stand and a raffle both at £2. I guess at this point it’s worth saying my review is probably biased since neither Sarah or I won the raffle, but I have to say the prizes were more than desirable – think Bakery 164 vouchers, and MOD pizza parties.

RAG president Darla Dryland was chuffed with the event: ‘I really enjoyed LRFS’ launch party and am so proud of our events team girls, the fashion directors and everyone involved in the organisation of the event. The fundraising for this event reached triple the amount from last year and all proceeds will be going to Plastic Oceans UK and Hubbub. Not only was it a beautiful venue with some funky raffle prizes and even funkier DJ sets, LRFS have proved they are well on the way to spreading awareness on the importance of sustainability and raising money for incredible causes.

credit: Leeds RAG

Proving they have good ears as well as good eyes, the committee did a seriously good job with the line-up. With plenty of great outfits, there was some seriously well-dressed shapes being cut. BabyStep kicked off the night, followed by BrownSugah who brought their soulful funk/UkG/disco tunes. Lunar Underground then stepped in with the help of Cradok’s saxophone melodies and having some live music to groove to was a fresh addition. Mac ‘n’ Jheez brought their crowd-pleasing funk, and by this hour of the night, everyone was dancing. The evening was closed in style by MILK Events.

credit: Leeds RAG

All in all, the masterminds behind the event clearly thought it through, and it paid off. We went for a casual few drinks and ended up staying past midnight – which for a pair of fourth years is a rare sighting on a school night. We’re still bitter we didn’t win anything, but since the charities picked are so valuable we can let that slide. If this event is anything to go by, the 28th February is going to be a really special one.

Follow @LeedsRAG on Facebook and Instagram for more updates, but as the fashion show, you’ll have to wait for the main event to enjoy all hard work of the committee again.
