UNICEF Society lights up Leeds campus

UNICEF now has a presence on Leeds campus!  After months of work, our Executive Committee members, Bex, Molly, and Terpsi, finally got the society approved and was almost ready to start all its work. All that was missing was a committee. Now, we are ready to go, with our two Fundraising Officers, Lewis & Lara; our Equality & Inclusion Officer, Danielle; our Media & Publicity wizz, Ed; and finally, our Social Secretary, Marc. But, of course, our members are the most important players in UNICEF’s work. Membership is now available to purchase on the union website (£5) for what promises to be an exciting and dynamic society hoping to raise a significant amount of money for an undeniably good cause.

For those who may not be aware, UNICEF is an international charity who seeks to help ensure that children around the world can have access to the same fundamental rights and freedoms which we may take for granted here in the UK. All their work ensures that millions of children receive lifesaving vaccinations, who otherwise would not, and provides food and shelter to those children who need it most. 

Our recently elected committee and society, are helping to ensure that, as a society, we can have the biggest possible impact on those who really need our help. 

 Not content with settling into the background, UNICEF on campus is launching a range of new initiatives including:

1.     A competition to find the best fundraising ideas. First prize will be a £20 Sainsbury’s voucher for the idea with the most potential. Please send fundraising ideas to ‘Unicefluufundraising@gmail.com’.

2.     A charity cake sale 

3.  Christmas carolling and selling our newly created calendars

4.     Royal Park Pub sponsored quiz!

5.     A sponsored 24 hour fast (anyone can join in or support!) We will be having a big feast the night before and having a movie marathon and guest speakers during the fast (6th December)

The society are also hoping to make an appearance around campus with glitter stands at fruity, a sponsored cocktail at Terrace, Christmas carols and collaborations with other committees, with plans to work with WaterAid and host an event with African & Caribbean Society next semester. All money raised at these events goes directly to UNICEF, so why not get involved?

We recently hosted our first non-alcoholic society social, a trip to Franco Manca. It was a great evening and was a fantastic opportunity for members to get to know each other over some delicious pizza!! We also have a flag themed Otley run and Fruity to look forward to in the future.

If there are people who are not currently a member but wish to get involved, representatives from the society will be visiting different schools around campus, advertising the society, and increasing student awareness of our presence on campus.

We have recently established a social media profile, so catch us on Insta – leeds_unicef_soc, and be the first to find out about the great things we have planned, similarly join our Facebook page to find out more.

UNICEF on campus will also be lining up a series of guest speakers and events in what can only be described as a strong contender for the best new society award! We are always looking for new members who wish to help contribute to such an amazing and inspiring cause. Any queries can be sent to the group’s email (leedsunicefsoc@gmail.com) and we hope you’d like to get involved!