Mind the Success Of Milky Chance’s New Album

Whatever your musical preference, you’re guaranteed to love this indie folk duo. And judging by their new album, Mind the Moon, that’s not about to change anytime soon. 

According to the band, the first single from the album, ‘The Game’, tackles “that feeling of not knowing how to manage your relentlessly changing life… It’s probably easier to learn to swim than build your own island”. But don’t let what might seem like a bit of a heavy message deter you from popping them on your playlist. Their heavy German intonation means you’d definitely be forgiven for not listening to the lyrics, and just taking in the music as a whole. The iconic raspy vocals from Clemens Rehbein are projected more prominently in this album, but they don’t steal the show like the ear worm inducing melodies. 

From first impressions of ‘The Game’, and the opening track ‘Fado’ (which has been on repeat in my head all day) it’s clear that this album is a winner. Both songs boast the indie style synonymous with the duo and impossible not to love. But these tracks are far less chilled than their previous work; the catchy bass drums and more prominent vocals completely draw you in. Unlike their previous albums, which might make for easy listening, these songs steal your attention, making background listening virtually impossible. 

However, there are also aspects of the album which could have been done differently. The first two tracks establish the style of the album, but from then on, there’s very little variation. They all seem to follow the exact same structure; a minimalist opening verse with a punchy bass drum and subtle electronic sounds, followed by acoustic guitar and heightened vocals. It can drag on a bit by the end of the album, but that isn’t to say that this formula doesn’t create a great, involuntary toe-tapping inducing run of tracks.

Also, the collaborations later on in the album provide a much-needed change, particularly ‘Eden’s House’. The collaboration with Lady Black Mambazzo has created a beautiful track, swapping the typical Milky Chance sound for simpler choral vocals, synths and a prominent bass line. It’s a welcome surprise. 

So while I probably couldn’t sit and listen to the album in full again anytime soon, many of the tracks have gone straight onto my Spotify. They’re hard not to love. 

Katy Henderson