Warmduscher give an amusing performance at Brudenell

Warmduscher are a side project within the extensive network of Fat White Family, a network that also encompasses bands like Insecure Men and The Moonlandingz. Of all of these bands, Warmduscher have the most stonk – their music is primarily comprised of a throbbing, growly baseline and some pounding cowbell. The frontman is a short, stocky American in a tall cowboy hat with meaty hands that pointed into the audience provocatively.

The music didn’t hammer into my skull like it had on the record, likely due to the minimal lineup: they had just one guitar, bass, a synth and drums. The energy of the band was provided entirely by the frontman, with the other four members standing in unmoving rockstar-esque poses.

The show falling on Halloween was somewhat of a blessing, adding a little more character to both the band and the audience. Surrounded by 40-50 year olds in prince costumes, the velour was sweating and the mood was high. An enjoyable aspect of the set was the experience of the band members slowly coming back to life as their grey face paint sweated off. Overall, the music was pulsating enough to move your body to, and the frontman was an amusing character to experience, but to experience the full force of Warmduscher, their album is where you want to go.

As a final note, I received word from a staff member that someone had pooed in a cup in the men’s toilets of the gig room.

Header Image from Warmduscher