Leeds RAG Fashion Show Needs YOU

It’s that time of year again. This week Leeds RAG are holding their much anticipated model casting. Having previously won the Diversity and Inclusivity Award LRFS encourage all ethnicities, genders, shapes and sizes to attend, and no previous experience is required.

This year, the university’s most stylish event of the year is all about sustainability, and all proceeds will go towards Plastic Oceans UK and HUBBUB.

Where and When?
Monday 4th November – Baines Wing SR 2.10, 6.30pm – 9.00pm
Tuesday 5th November – Baines Wing SR 2.10, 6.30pm – 9.00pm
Wednesday 6th November – Business School SR G.31, 6.30pm – 9.00pm

So, as you look so good, why not put it towards some good? Leeds RAG and mother nature need you!