Sir Patrick Stewart Paying for Leeds Brexit Protestors to Travel to London for People’s Vote March

The Yorkshire actor supported anti-Brexiteers by paying for coaches from the county to the People’s Vote march in London. 

On the 19th of October, a myriad of protestors joined the People’s Vote march in the central streets of London with it being the most recent anti-Brexit protests.

The People’s vote has been one of the biggest marches our country has seen to this day and several celebrities went on to join and support the event, such as Yorkshire’s Patrick Stewart. 

Even though the march took place in the lower part of the country, the capital’s streets were not just filled with Southerners.

Thanks to inter alia Patrick Stewart’s financial aid, over 170 coaches from all over the UK, including Leeds, Huddersfield and York, managed to get those supporting another referendum to the protest and back home again.

The actor himself was also present at the march and was joined by politicians, such as London’s mayor Sadiq Khan. 

Stewart has long been an active and outspoken Remainer.

Not only has he already provided similar financial aid two times before – both times by supporting similar anti-Brexit rallies by paying for transport, but he has also repeatedly used his fame and political knowledge to try and get a second referendum.

According to the 79-year old actor, who is best known for his work in Star Trek and his varying stage-roles with the Royal Shakespeare Company, the event once again showed Johnson, the Conservatives, Corbyn and Labour that a second referendum on Brexit is a necessity for British democracy. 

In the speech he gave during the rally, he even goes as far as to claim

‘there was nothing democratic about that [first] referendum’.

According to him, people were ‘not only misled’, but also ‘lied to’ by British politicians, who he accuses of having falsely promised the public a better life if they voted to leave the European Union.

Image: LeedsLive