A Freshers Fashion Note

Fashion editors Lydia, Iona and Sarah give their advice on what to wear as you start uni.

Welcome to Leeds. You may have only just arrived, but we already think you look great! Your clothes are important at university. You’ll dance in them, run to lectures in them, read in them, hug, and cry in them. With your first year at university being full of so many changes, you’ll want to enjoy and embrace these and not spend time stressing about how you look. We all know that clothing choices form part of our first impressions, and arriving fresher-off-the bloc, it’s natural you’ll want to blend into the Leeds jungle.

“Be yourself everyone else is already taken” blah blah blah. But it’s true. There’s such a pressure to buy new wardrobes to fit in when you join university. However, we think that when you arrive in Leeds, there’s so much more fun to be had than worrying about keeping the likes of Urban Outfitters, ASOS, and Misguided in business! Leeds University and Leeds is a big place, and there is plenty of room for you to be you.

If you’re into your fashion and clothing, then you’re in a great place to explore this. With a such a diverse city and student body, there is so much to draw inspiration from. Leeds has a great fashion history too – home of the Victorian textile mills, and later the founding of M&S, style is in the city’s DNA.

Enjoy your first few weeks at university, and try not to worry about what you look like…you’re already awesome!