Ones to Watch: Cannes 2019

Under the cool palms of the French Riviera the film calendar’s most luxurious festival takes place once again. Here are 5 films to look out for at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival:

Once Upon a Time In Hollywood – Quentin Tarantino

The big one. 25 years after he won the coveted Palm d’or forPulp Fiction, Quentin Tarantino returns to Cannes to present his highly anticipated new film Once Upon a Time In Hollywood. Questions were raised as to whether the film would be ready in time and it was not originally included on the lineup. Set in 1960’s Hollywood, the film tantalisingly stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt, their first on screen pairing. Plot details are being kept under wraps but we know DiCaprio stars as a faded actor with Pitt as his stunt double. The Manson murders will be interwoven into the narrative with Margot Robbie set to play Sharon Tate in a star-studded cast.

A Hidden Life – Terrence Malick

The enigmatic director is back to Cannes after his Palm d’or winning The Tree of Life. After Malick’s more recent experimental films have been criticised for lacking substance and direction despite breathtaking vistas, the director returns to working with a linear script and there are high hopes for a return to form. The film explores the life of Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian conscientious objector who refused to fight the Nazis during World War II.

Sorry We Missed You – Ken Loach

Cannes favourite Ken Loach has won the Palm d’or twice for The Wind That Shook the Barleyand more recently with I, Daniel Blake. Loach’s newest political commentary continues his interrogation on austerity with the film following a delivery driver struggling with debt in modern day Britain.

Parasite –  Bong Joon-ho

Yet another Cannes regular, the Korean auteur last came to the Croisette to present his film Okjain 2017 which subsequently became a part of the sparked debate on the integrity of streamed films (there has been a ban upon such films this year). Details about Parasitearescarce but the film is said to follow two families who become entangled in an unexpected incident. The film is sure to add to an already extremely bright and exciting national cinema.

Matthias & Maxime – Xavier Dolan

Xavier Dolan made his debut at Cannes in 2009 at the age of 20. The highly prolific director’s latest concerns a group of friends in their late 20s. Expect Dolan to explore recurrent themes of youth culture, relationships and sexuality.

Image Credit: Cannes Film Festival