Maisie Peters Soothes Hyde Park Book Club, 27.04.19

A setlist of pop-folk love songs that the room knew every word to make for a lovely Saturday night spent with Maisie Peters.

Support act Plested opened up the show with acoustic versions of his pop song tracks. He introduced himself as a “good friend” of Maisie’s, and it’s easy to see why. They both share a love for song writing, and lyrics that can bear up against the backing of just an acoustic guitar. He apologised for his lack of ‘Happy songs’, but the audience didn’t seem to mind too much.

Following was Maisie and her addictive stage presence. Though she stood for most of the show with guitar in hand, Maisie did just as well without, such as in opening track ‘In my Head’. Assisted with a backing track and two band members, Maisie still succeeded in taking limelight whilst barely moving from her place on centre stage. 

Probably because 90% of the audience were teenage girls, the entire night had an air of solidarity surrounding it. One song in and Maisie asked of us- “I want you to give this gig the same energy that you gave an assembly in year five”. And we did. Heartbreak anthem ‘You to You’, had half the room yelling about ex-boyfriend revenge, probably to the bemusement of the few male fans amongst the crowd.

Amongst other wholesome moments of audience interaction- like Maisie asking what she should name her bass guitar alongside the named acoustics ‘Great and ‘Edna’- the gig felt happily intimate. (She confirmed that the audience suggestion of ‘Jeff’ was a strong candidate). It was an animated atmosphere that continued when Maisie left the room, coming back shortly after for an encore of upbeat single ‘Worst of You’.

For someone who began showcasing her talents through Youtube videos, Maisie has built a repertoire that’s truly admirable. Just one year after finishing sixth form, she’s gracefully entered the world of touring and making song-writing a full-time job. We can only hope he continues doing what she loves, and more success will surely follow.

All Images Credited to Rupert Lloyd