Leeds’ Nightlife Under Construction

While we were all attempting to enjoy our Easter, despite the onslaught of dissertations, essays and revision, a little birdy (LeedsFess) informed us that our city’s sacred nightlife is set to undergo some construction. And when I say construction, I mean demolition. After the loss of The Faversham last year, the imminent closure of Mint Club and the awaiting loss of Canal Mills (if they ever even decide to close), it came as another devastating blow to find out that Bierkeller, Shooters and Players are all following suit. Home to sports socials, karaoke and £4 steins, these are places where you both have the time of your life whilst successfully managing to ruin it; care-free places where you can while away the night whilst getting black out drunk.

The final blow was Church announcing its closure. With the club only re-opening a couple of years ago, it is closing its doors for the final time this summer, with Triple Cooked hosting one of the last events: The Final Service (at least they got a witty name out of it). Although I write this as a final year student who is soon enough going to be waving goodbye to the Leeds student nightlife, it makes me sad to think about all the clubs which are closing with no new appearances in sight. At least we still have the trusty Leeds favourites of Wire, Hifi, Warehouse, Beaver Works and Mint Warehouse, to name but a few.

But sometimes, you just want to get silly, black out drunk, whilst outrageously singing along to Vanessa Cartlon’s ‘A Thousand Miles’, in a place of no judgment. And to be fair, I would rather not tell my friends from home that our night life is as dead as Cumbria.

(Main image: traveltriangle)