Applying Feng Shui To Your Bedroom: Student Edition

Is your mirror facing the door? Is your bed facing the door? Are there too many plants in your bedroom? These are questions that concern with ‘Feng Shui (風水)’. Feng Shui is a Chinese practice and is heavily based on the idea of energy flows, called ‘qi (氣)’, the direction in which it comes from and how it circulates in an enclosed space. It has become increasingly popular outside of Asia and across the globe, in particular in the Western world.

A house or room with good Feng Shui is believed to bring good health, fortune and wealth. For students, the practices of Feng Shui can certainly be applied to the bedroom. While there are some things that may be out of our control, especially if it is in regards to the general architecture, a few things can still be done to make the most of your living space.


The mirror is an important object in Feng Shui and you should pay great attention to its position in relation to everything else in the bedroom. For instance, having the mirror directly facing your bedroom door and, or, bed is a big no. The reasoning in Feng Shui is that the mirror is a reflective object and it will reflect any circulating negative energy, ‘sha qi (煞氣)’, onto you while you’re sleeping on the bed or walking in from the door. This also applies to TV screens because it also has a reflective surface.


You may be a big fan of potted plants and like to decorate your bedroom with them, but in Feng Shui practice, too many in a relatively small closed space is not the best idea. The energy from plants contradicts our sleep. Firstly, at night, plants would intake oxygen and release carbon dioxide which can be harmful to your sleep and for your health over time. Furthermore, plants are wood energy, related to growth and upward movement, and is thus the opposite of the recommended energy for sleep, which is yin. However, a small plant is perfectly fine for your bedroom, so don’t rid of them completely!


Your bedroom should be clean and organised for positive energy to flow smoothly and harmonise. Throw out any junk, rubbish, even those under your bed, and keep your bedroom door clear of any objects. Any dirty clothes should be in a laundry basket or hamper and not piled up on your bedroom floor or chair. Your closet is no exception; clean your closet by donating or giving away clothes that you don’t wear anymore. A tidy and organised bedroom can bring in fresh energy and help with the circulation of energy.

There is a lot more to Feng Shui than the layout of a bedroom and enthusiasts of this practice take it very seriously, taking it into consideration even when buying houses and designing its interior. As a student though, try giving your bedroom a little makeover and rearrangement, and you may find yourself with better fortune and find that things are going a lot more well and smoother in your student life, work life and relationships.

Mary Yeh