Nina Nesbitt, 14.04.19

Nina Nesbitt’s entire ‘The Sun Will Come Up’ tour is a celebration of femininity at its core. With Call Me Loop opening for the Scottish singer at The Wardrobe, she sets the tone for the night with her infectious pop – ‘Give ‘n’ Take’ is a highlight, a demand to a lover to treat her as she deserves. It is a fitting start to the night, and just one of the female-only support acts Nesbitt has invited on her tour, showcasing female talent which often goes amiss.

Adorning the stage with an array of flowers, Nina Nesbitt had somehow managed to make her mark without so much as setting a foot on the stage. Six years on from the release of her debut album, Nesbitt released her second album ‘The Sun Will Come Up, The Seasons Will Change’ earlier this year; a stunning meditation on growth and self-love. In a live setting, it is perhaps one of the most empowering sets I’ve ever experienced.

Filled with anthems celebrating being single, and songs about “fuckboys” and “shitty exes”, the theme of female empowerment were palpable throughout the night. Songs like ‘Loyal to Me’, and the introspective, mature ‘Colder’ provide ridiculously catchy mantras about remembering your self-worth which absolutely captivate the sold-out venue in a series of motivational, powerful moments.

The acoustic segment of the night sees Nesbitt come into her own; her vocal range is immense, and shines through in rawer moments of the set, such as ‘Last December’, a beautiful call back to her roots. A significant part of Nesbitt’s allure is her candidness – heart-wrenching and tender, this is Nina Nesbitt at her strongest.

Despite five fire alarms, Nesbitt is unstoppable in commanding the crowd regardless and remains unphased. It’s admirable how she manages to deliver such a vibrant, uplifting sets: on a night honouring female power and women, she somehow manages to say exactly what we need to hear, and it’s commendable.

Header Image Credit: Facebook of Manchester Show