Leeds Snowriders Easter Ski Trip Struck With Drug Controversy

Reports have emerged that a number of students in attendance at the annual Leeds Snowriders Easter trip to Val Thorens have been arrested on drug related charges.

Numerous sources have reported to The Gryphon that a number of students were arrested after being caught allegedly in possession of recreational drugs. While the figures are unconfirmed, sources seem to suggest that as many as 14 students may have been arrested.

It has also been reported that one of the students in question has been arrested on suspicion of supplying drugs. If found guilty, the student in question could face a large fine or a number of years in prison.

According to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Education, charges of drug supply in France are punishable with imprisonment of up to ten years and a fine of up to €7.5 million. 

The ski trip, organised by Leeds University Union Snowriders and an external travel company, goes to the ski resort of Val Thorens every year. The trip grants members a six day lift pass at one of the top ski resorts in Europe, as well as free access to a host of hotly anticipated events. Leeds Snowriders and the tour operator exercise a zero drugs policy, something which was made clear to attendees at the start of the trip.

Another source has also alleged that, if one more Leeds students is arrested, then societies from Leeds will be banned from the accommodation for a number of years.

The Gryphon understands that a number of the students were released without charge shortly after their arrest.

[Post Edit: Leeds Snowriders and the tour operator exercise a zero drugs policy, something which was made clear to attendees at the start of the trip].