Indie Kings of the North, Marsicans, Bring Acoustic Joy to Jumbo, 21.03.19

A total gem in the Leeds music scene, Marsicans are somewhat renowned for the abundance of energy they bring to their live performances – an acoustic set in Jumbo Records raised the question of how well this energy would translate without the capacity for the four-piece to bounce around the stage like excitable puppies. Unsurprisingly, the band managed to deliver; showing their versatility through a lowkey, yet heart-warming set labelled one of the “shortest sets we’ve ever played ever” – in that regard, the phrase “short but sweet” was completely literalised.

Promoting latest single, ‘Your Eyes’, the band stuck to some of their more recent material. ‘Suburbs’ was a particularly soul-stirring moment; lyrically it suits a more tender setting perfectly, bringing out a different side to the song to the version heard on the recorded single. ‘Pop-Ups (Sunny At The Weekend)’ carries a cheerfully ironic sentiment for four lads raised in Yorkshire – nevertheless, their satirical ode to irritating pop-up ads delivers an element of sunshine where the weather often fails to in a way which is classic-Marsicans style. Continually creating music irrevocably made to cheer you up, their infectiously exuberant indie pop captures a slice of summer, regardless of the dismal weather outside.

The release of ‘Your Eyes’ marks a more introspective turn for Marsicans, reflecting on how the transition into adult life can seem so hectic – “I tried to convince myself / That I am not
overwhelmed” perhaps epitomises the song’s core idea, and signifies a departure from the more tongue-in-cheek lyrics that have dominated their previous releases. In such a stripped-back setting, their harmonies absolutely shine through – they assure that ‘it sounds better on the record’ but inarguably this is not the case. Marsicans prove that they possess the talent to flourish in a multitude of settings – between the friendly banter, and the raw emotional set of songs, they manage to cement themselves as one of the loveliest bands in music right now.

Header Image Credit: Andrew Benge via Facebook