Culture: Pangaea + Will Lister – Review

Culture’s third party at Wire welcomed Will Lister and Pangaea for a night of genre-spanning excellence. 

For nearly 10 years, DJ and producer Pangaea – also known as Kevin McAuley – has been pushing the boundaries of electronic music. Being a third of Leeds’ finest Hessle Audio, he is no stranger to the city or to Wire and on February 26th he was joined in the basement by Phonica Records’ Will Lister. Wire itself was unexpectedly busy for a Tuesday night, with a crowd obviously ready for a night of good music.

Will Lister started the night off and it was only about fifteen minutes in that he upped the tempo, playing some experimental electro tunes mixed with some tribal beats. Lister had set the tone for his set and had the crowd buzzing as he continued to push out a diverse mix of world music alongside his heavy electro style. The music kept up its fast pace and Lister continued to add some diversity in sound with acid beats spilling out in the last half an hour.

Pangaea then took over at about 2:30am, Lister having set the tone of the night perfectly. The crowd had somewhat quietened down at this point but those who remained were eager to see what Pangaea had in store. He did not disappoint; starting his set as he meant to go on – heavy. Not long into it he was throwing around a lot of jungle baselines with acidic undertones which was to be expected from Pangaea’s very experimental musical. As he drew to a close, the music become more industrial, echoing that of a heavy industrial techno set in Berlin.

Lister and Pangaea took us all over the world that night – from African instrumental beats to 90’s acidic breakdowns, it was all there and it was certainly a night that will stick in my mind for its diversity. Once again, one of the Hessle boys brought a party that will not be forgotten anytime soon.

Kemer Aydin

(Main image: Culture)