Summat: Leeds’ Community Festival of Resistance

Summat 2019 takes place this Saturday 9th March, from 10am – 8:30pm at Notre Dame College, Leeds.

Summat seeks to connect people from all walks of life, inviting them to share skills and join action for change.

The full day consists of 26 informative talks, workshops and skill-shares, covering a variety of topics, including: sustainability and climate change, creative resistance, decolonisation and fighting racism, and class solidarity.

2019 marks Summat’s 5th event in Leeds – so far, over 2,200 people have taken part. Their events aim to unite every-day people, giving them a chance to recognise their commonalities, and their ability to make a difference.

The event caters to all ages – Playful Anywhere will be hosting activities for children throughout the day. Running alongside the talks, there will also be a zine fair hosted by Footprint Workers Co-op, an art exhibition showcasing creative resistance, and a marketplace of ideas, set to feature over 30 community groups and organisations.

“I felt very energised and supported by ideas and actions on the day”

A participant at Summat’s last gathering said:

“I felt very energised and supported by ideas and actions on the day. I also came away with much more hope – a big thing as I have been feeling so down recently with the political climate as it is.”

Tickets are available here, but no-one will be turned away for lack of funds. Free tickets are available, and donations are optional.

Want to know more? Check out their Facebook event, or full programme here!

Megan Cummings

Image: [Summat]