Newly Formed Flat Moon Rock the Verve Bar, 23.02.19

In the sweaty depths of Verve Bar comes new Leeds band Flat Moon and their outrageously diverse set: bringing to life a collection of original pieces and carefully curated covers to expel their unique point of view. Playing for just under an hour did not stop the five-piece from etching their sound firmly into the minds of onlookers who flocked in abundance to the underground space, ready to bear witness to the start of something special.

The set brought with it a sense of expression few and far between within the alternative rock genre. Pleasantly surprising with a funk infused rendition of Kendrick Lamar’s ‘I’, guitarist Matthew White stepped forward to nail the verses, whilst the crowd chanted to lyrics of self-love that seemed to resonate with the feeling that the band exuded all evening. The local Leeds fivesome softly delve into simple melodies with intricate lyricism and then expel glorious riffs, rivalling those who they were covering. Classic rock meets rhythm and blues with a touch of Flat Moon speciality, creating their own genre while being clearly influenced by them all.   

A newly formed troupe of suitably tenacious members to carry the already distinctive set of singles made it clear that Flat Moon are very much capable of standing out in today’s oversaturated market. Their flare and undeniable skill being only teased at – frontman Jacob Kendrew playing his guitar overhead and backwards saw a thunderous response from bandmates and onlookers alike. Each member bounced off of another, as the lads treated us to what could have been a private jam session – they were clearly having fun with what they love doing. 

Leeds is a hub for talent on the rise and Flat Moon dictated that their name was not to be forgotten; their future place in the northern music scene is solid, if an overflowing basement and four happy chaps is anything to go by.

Header Image: Jessica McCarrick