An Ode to Donuts

It all began with mere rumours. On the walk to the final lecture, a friend whispered to me, “Donuts is closing down, did you hear?”

Shocked. That was my first reaction. How could they possibly get rid of it? Then came denial, surely they would not be closing down the most popular funhouse for Leeds students? It can’t be true.

This was during one of those times when everything is surprisingly quite mediocre in life; assessments were all submitted, Christmas was in touching distance and it didn’t yet feel as bitter as the cold that haunts us now. But all was ruined when Donuts began their Facebook post: “We’ve got one of those announcements that you guys need to read” (they even used donuts emoji’s to soften the blow), informing their devoted fans that they will be leaving their home for the past four years, The Faversham.

Melodramatics aside, even though Donuts has waved ‘Bon Voyage’ to their time at The Fav, their exit from the Leeds student club scene is thankfully not so severe; they are moving directly across campus to The Chapel, Church’s younger and better-looking brother. Donuts has promised us the start of a very exciting chapter, ready for monumental amounts of new memories filled with confetti, inflatables and, as always, donuts.

Beginning with a bang, their re-launch party last Thursday was a great success, with whispers that it might even be better than The Fav. But before this page turns to its new chapter, there is a last chance to reflect on what the last four years offered. It was one of the most loved student nights, ensuring you bumped into everyone you knew; from that guy who you fancy in your Modern Lit seminar, to the cool girl who once sat opposite you in Eddy B. From the cheap and cheerful double vodkas, to the car park smoking area vibe, to the Richard Madden look-a-like bouncer; The Fav guaranteed a wild night. You could even perfectly stumble back to your bed in Hyde Park after – something the new location has successfully secured too.

We all have high hopes for the future of Donuts, and they do always say “home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.” The funhouse camaraderie won’t ever disappear into the darkness but it will certainly grow even stronger with the cool space and wall-art The Chapel provides.

So what will happen to The Fav now? It is currently undergoing new changes with its already multipurpose repertoire, so who knows when you’ll next step foot in the glorious establishment. At least we know it holds weddings, so stay close to your exasperating house couple, despite how much their PDA annoys you.

Caris Dollard 

(Image credit: Go Nuts at Donuts)