Top 4 Tips to Get People What They Really Want for Christmas

Picture the scene: It’s Christmas day and your friend or loved one opens their present to find a pack of black socks from M&S. They make a not-so-subtle attempt to feign excitement before tossing it in the pile of other gifts. Although the socks will likely come in handy, the recipient of said socks will likely be questioning how well you actually know them.


Luckily, using this guide, you can avoid this situation completely by picking out the perfect gift…


Tip 1: Embrace the social media stalk

Have a look at who and what they have liked on their Facebook page. For example, if you notice they have liked Amy Winehouse you could consider buying them Amy Winehouse, Blake Wood, a book that includes previously unseen photographs of the late musician. Facebook may be the only form of social media you can utilise for buying gifts for parents and other relatives. However, for siblings, friends or partners, Instagram can be a handy tool as you can have a browse of who they follow. For those who like their garms wavey but are bored of what’s in the high street, you can look at what they’ve liked on Depop. They will have presumably liked clothes that are their size, so this means you can even avoid the awkward risk of misjudging it.


Tip 2: Get crafty

This tip is most budget friendly, which is perfect for when you’re deep in your overdraft from spending too much time in the pub. If you fancy yourself as the next contestant on Great British Bake Off you could make some brownies or other baked goods. If you’re artistically inclined you could make a painting of your favourite photo of you both. This tip can even apply if you feel you’re a Jack of all trades but master of none. Even if the gift ends up looking like it was made by a five year old, they would find it heart-warming to know that someone has spent time making something personalised to them.


Tip 3: Consider their situation

Think about what the recipient currently has going on in their life. They could be moving house, which would be the perfect opportunity to buy them a housewarming gift. Cacti are a good option, as they can survive in the hands of even the most negligent of plant owners. They could just be ploughing their way through the US series of The Office. In which case, they might appreciate merchandise containing a memorable quote from the programme, such as ‘beats, bears and battle star galactica’.


Tip 4: Make it an experience

Science says spending money on experiences rather than things makes us happier. So why not apply this logic to gift-giving too. For quality time spent together you could buy both of you tickets to see their favourite comedian live. For the adrenaline junkie in your life you could pay for them to go skydiving. If they’re not quite ready to take the plunge, indoor skydiving is a great alternative.



Happy shopping!



Anya Loudon

