The Ladenses 6 Prove They Are Here to Stay

The Ladenses 6 are a delightful new sextet of classical singers, whose ability can be enjoyed by all, no matter what your experience with choral music. Daniel Barnett, Kitty Bazalgette, Immy Creedy, Ben Palmer, Flo Rivington and Bertie Yates make up the six, having met whilst studying at the University of Leeds. It is clear that they are all very skilled musicians and performers, all having had a big presence in the university’s music society throughout their years in Leeds, and are now expanding into the professional sphere.

Credit: Facebook

I had the pleasure of attending their launch event which was held in The Lending Room of the Library Pub. The venue was full of family and friends and the atmosphere was truly heartwarming as the six singers took to the stage with a round of applause from their loved ones, and the group had no problem in doing them proud. They performed three sets of fifteen minutes with breaks in between for drinking and chatting; a delightfully informal and refreshing set-up for a classical gig. The six singers are all extremely apt, and each produce a wonderful sound that fits seamlessly into one another. There was a clarity in their tone which was especially commendable in the female singers’ blend, complimented effectively by the depth of the three male voices. Choral music is particularly skilled when it sounds effortless and yet still rehearsed and technical, and the group certainly achieved this.

My favourite set was their final fifteen minutes where they brought out the definite crowd-pleasers. They started with Beati Quorum Via by Charles Stanford, a charming number which really exposed the talents of tenor Bertie Yates whose voice has an impressive tone and power. Mother of God, Here I Stand by John Tavener showcased the technical ability of the group, whose attention to detail made the simple and calming piece particularly moving – I imagine many hairs stood on end as they were singing this! One of their most impressive pieces was the jazzier Lady Madonna by Lennon and McCartney, in which a playful arrangement brought out another side of the classical group. Immy Creedy showed off her performance range here in her soulful solos that were equally impressive as her classical soprano voice, and Ben Palmer’s strong bass rhythmically grounded the piece.

The Ladenses 6 are a really promising new group with a lot of talent and passion for what they do, yet the true charm of the group comes from the friendships that can be seen between them on stage, making their performances not only skilled but also charismatic and endearing to watch – I wish them all the best as they enter a competitive industry. I would encourage everyone to go and see them perform, even if classical music is not usually your thing – I have no doubt that they can change your mind!

The group’s next performance is on Monday 10th December at Parkside Tavern, Merrion Street – no tickets needed, pay as you feel – 7pm.

Ella Carter 

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