Men’s Cricket Captain Talks Movember

So mid-October came and with it, the post from the Fundraising secretary, Jordan on the main group on Facebook: ‘lads, if you’re keen to get involved in Movember give this a like.’

After my attempt in first year which didn’t grow much longer than the length of the grass on a standard cricket pitch, I turned it down last year and this year I was sceptical to say the least. However, as club captain the pressure for me to get involved was unavoidable and I eventually caved and liked the post.

By the time November 1st came around we had had 28 sign-ups for this year’s attempt, which is a number that would have been unprecedented in past years and a great showing from the lads. The ‘Day 1’ shots were sent into the newly formed group chat and we were on our way, in nervous anticipation of the monstrosities that were about to feature on our upper lip for the next 30 days. Shortly after this, Jordan sent round the link to the donation page and we were reminded of the serious reasons behind doing this. Mental Health, and in particular (being an all men’s society) men’s mental health, is a subject very close to our hearts within the club. Over the last couple of years, we have invited third party organisations such as ‘Opening Up Cricket’ and MIND in to give talks and present workshops to our club members, in order to raise awareness on mental health issues, the biggest killer of men under the age of 45. The club is passionate about breaking the stigma, and by such a big group of us raising awareness this month, we hope we can contribute to doing just that.

So now, over halfway through the month, it is impossible to go a day on campus without several friends commenting on the tasche, and it’s really starting to itch. The club has raised £375 so far for the Movember Foundation and we have ambitions of doubling this amount by the end of the month. We are delighted at this current total and are hopeful that our money raised will be a substantial amount, capable of helping to bring a big difference.

We’re coming towards the home stretch, and my razor has never stared at me so longingly as leave it lying dormant on the side of the sink for another morning.

I am delighted to find, that if nothing else, my time in Leeds has improved my ability to grow a moustache. The length of my tasche this year is already exponentially more than I managed as a Fresher. Doing the month long challenge as a large group is great fun, and I’m very happy that I yet again have succumbed to peer pressure. Update posts are being added to our group regularly and there’s a suitable amount of banter being given to the baby-faced participants among our ranks- Looking at you Becker. I’m confident that we’re all going to make the distance and we’ll have some pretty special efforts to show off by the end of the month.

To donate, visit:

Bring on December 1st.

Ally Sadler

Image: Martha Thompson