Elder Island Bring Their Versatile Indie Pop to Belgrave, 02.11.18

Bristol trio Elder Island proved last Friday that they have not only mastered the ability to create a unique and versatile style of indie pop, but that they are also able bring that same, feel-good energy of their recorded music into a live setting.

A crowd of all ages patiently waited, Red Stripes in hand, for the three-piece to take to the stage. As frontwoman Katy Sargent bashfully stepped towards the mic with her gang, she was met with roaring cheers. Looking rather taken-aback from the energy, she quickly greeted the masses, then wasted no time getting straight into their new single, ‘Don’t Lose’. Looking around, I could see some older fans were already trying to have a go at singing along, reflecting the excitement everyone clearly had to hear the band play.

The rest of the set maintained the same energy, with Elder Island jumping between classics such as ‘Bamboo’, whilst experimenting with some of their unreleased new tracks. Hinting towards a new album being on its way, Sargent reminded everyone these songs had not been played many times at all. As she lost herself in the colourful, synthy beats and began to croon with her passionate voice, it began feeling as if these songs were equally as classic as the fan favourites.

Inclusion of the electric cello, as well as jamming through transitions between songs; the vast dynamics of their music felt much stronger. Leaving such a good impression on the crowd after every song, the band were having to constantly thank Leeds for being “so great.” Watching them in a live context thus proved to show that, despite the fierce, powerful tone of their music, Elder Island remain a very humble band, perhaps unaware of their greatness.

They finished up the set with the grooving classic, ‘The Big Unknown’, a song which was particularly mesmerising not only from the sharp guitar licks and sensual vocals, but also from being able to witness how lost in the music the band become – eyes shut, swinging side-to-side and feeling every note between every beat. A highly demanded encore rounded up the night, with the band’s rendition of ‘Gypsy Woman’ making sure the crowd weren’t leaving until they were completely danced-out.

Alfie Whitehead

Header Image Credit: Dominika Scheibinger