Leeds Ranks in Top Six ‘All-Rounder’ Universities, ‘Which? University’ Survey Reveals

The University of Leeds ranked in the top six ‘all-rounder’ UK universities, according to Which? University’s 2018 survey.

When choosing which university to attend, prospective students’ opinions are mainly formed by what each university decides to showcase them. Open days, visit days and university prospectuses allow higher education institutions to highlight their best assets, and to divert attention from their shortcomings.

Which? University is a website which aims to provide unbiased information on universities, helping students to make more informed choices when it comes to higher education. Their annual survey asks current students a variety of questions surrounding their personal experiences.

2018’s survey collated the opinions of over 10,000 students, then used this data to rank universities on six key aspects: Nightlife, Student Union, Sports Scene, Creative Scene, Political Scene and Job Readiness.

Leeds ranks in the UK’s top 10 universities for nightlife, the survey revealed. One student weighed in on the secret to this victory: “Fruity Friday in the Student Union, all you will ever need.” The top ten universities for nightlife featured seven northern universities, one Scottish (Strathclyde), and only two southern, reaffirming the age-old belief that it’s more fun up north.

Similarly, Leeds also reached the top bracket for its Student Union, alongside six other universities. Surveyed students attributed LUU’s success to its diverse range of clubs and societies; the Union is home to over 300 societies, offering all students a means to destress from studying. The Gryphon was one of the societies highlighted, alongside Leeds Student Radio, RAG and various sports clubs.

Students from the University of Leeds also rated it highly for job readiness; they felt that Leeds had prepared them to find a job upon graduating. According to a survey by the DLHE, 98% of Leeds graduates are in employment or further study 6 months after graduating, suggesting that students’ beliefs that they are ready for employment aren’t unfounded.

Which? University summarised its report by giving the University of Leeds a special mention as one of six ‘all-rounder’ universities, scoring highly in four out of six categories. The website suggested that, if prospective students wanted a well-rounded university experience, these six might be worth looking into.

Megan Cummings, News Editor

Image: [Megan Cummings]