Utilising Music For Self-Care

Whether you are in your first year of University and dealing with moving away from home, or you are in final year trying to manage the looming pressure of a dissertation, we all need to prioritise time for a bit of self-care.

World Mental Health Day has just passed and, as this is a topic close to my heart, I wanted to share my top tips to make sure you get a bit of headspace in this whirlwind we call uni life. I’m by no means an expert in all this – but what I have learned in the last few years is that listening to calm, relaxing music can help provide a bit of solace when everything becomes a bit overwhelming. If it can help me, then perhaps it can help someone else. 

Music has an indescribable effect on the body. Sure, there have been studies on its effect on the brain, yet to me the way it helps you unwind and transport you a completely different place is indescribable. Obviously everyone’s music taste is as unique as the person themselves, what might make me zen as hell might make you hastily press skip. It’s all about what makes you feel calm – whether that’s heavy metal or a bit of D&B, you do you. Find the songs that relax you and then make yourself killer playlist to press play on when you need to just press pause on the world.

Every time I use my playlist to unwind it’s almost as if I’m training my brain to relax when I hear those songs. That means no thinking about deadlines, life baggage or the fear of Trump setting the world on fire. 

So how do you find the time to unwind when you have 1,000 things going on? Everyone’s routines are different but I’ve found it is best to set aside around 15 mins before I go to sleep to properly relax. That means no scrolling on Instagram, no group chat ‘bants’: just you focusing on you. For years I’ve struggled to sleep but recently I’ve found relaxation music before I go to bed really helpful. I turn off all the lights in my room, switch on my fairy lights (yes, I am that cliché) and breathe deeply focusing on the music. Sometimes I do this whilst using the ‘Headspace’ app- if you haven’t used it, I would really recommend giving it a try, the guys voice is heavenly! Slowly this  will become part of your routine, and before you know it you’ll be giving yourself a bit of self-love every day.

I’m sure there will be people reading this thinking this is a load of airy fairy crap. To those people I say two things: 1. Try it before you knock it 2. Congrats, you’re obviously totally stress free and composed 99.9% of the time – just remember some of us aren’t like that and that’s okay.  

I’ve put together my own Spotify playlist specifically designed for some self-love time when I can unwind. Prepare yourself for A LOT of Astronaut Husband because they are my favourite chill out artists of all time. Some songs are classical while others have soft folky vibes.


If songs aren’t your jam then there is an app called ‘Mindfl’ where you can make your own sounds. You choose sounds to run on a loop and the stripped back style can really help you find some calm.

I hope this is helpful to even one person, who might need a little reminder to get some time to just focus on you. It’s okay not to be okay sometimes.

Olivia Woollam 

Illustrations by Stacie Swift